PHYS270 General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and Modern Physics

What does it say on Testudo?

Third semester of a three-semester calculus-based general physics course. Electrodynamics, Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves, geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, special theory of relativity, and modern physics. PHYS270 and PHYS271 (lab) must be taken in the same semester.

Why did I take this class??

Required for physics minor, but also seems like interesting (and fundamental) knowledge for physics/engineering education.


This class teaches basic material on magnetism, optics, and relativity. We did not cover anything on quantum mechanics. I really do not like geometric optics. Homeworks were easy, but exams kept getting more challenging. The material was honestly pretty straightforward, but timed exams on Zoom made it tough to answer every question perfectly. Lecture recordings were boring but fine on 2x speed.